[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/3″]NL versie[/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_empty_space][vc_column_text]I want to do things that are valuable. Projects or work that bring value, have meaning to others or matter to me. Those are the reasons why I photograph the way I do. As a documentary photographer I want to show others how much they matter and are truly seen. This is how my intuition benefits your family session and helps me create this valuable work.

This is Dave, one of ‘my kids’ with a congenital heartdefect, from my Project Hartekind for Stichting Hartekind.
You and your loved ones will be in the photos!
When I set out to do something I give the families I work with 200%, and one of the photos I set out to make is a photo of the whole family in one frame.

The whole family in one frame 🙂
I try my very best to get good moments of every family member; especially the one family member I know usually takes all the pictures. These photos are of them whether they are smiling, concerned, in tears – capturing both their bright and their vulnerable side.

Mother comforting daughter during a Day in the Life family weekend in Giethoorn, the Netherlands.
No “cheese please”
A mom called me with her concern “When I want to make photos of my kids, I get monkey faces, they give an uninterested look or turn their heads [away from the camera]”. As it turns out with my introverted-extravert nature I usually am very intuitive about what a kid is all about. By naturally interacting with them they usually forget about the camera fairly quickly and start acting like they normally would.

Kids being kids, even though he is already a big kid …
I’m like a ninja
I notice how people feel and match the mood in the room. Especially when it is full of emotions, I quiet down and move around more slowly. Because I photograph what happens normally and evolves naturally, the usual pressure and stress of the traditional family portraits is non-existent. I usually feel, see and notice things to photograph that others might not. These are often photos that are very hard for parents to take because they have their hands full, or they are so in the moment that they don’t see the moment.

Kid hiding behind the curtain and calling “Dad, look for your phone … Daddddyyyy”
The session is relaxed & easy-going
I have heard numerous times that it was like the family had known me forever, and that their session was fun and easy-going. That it was like having a friend over. One father described it like this: “We felt comfortable and we trusted you. You moved very pleasantly and very easily and that made it easy for the kids to continue with their normal routine and behavior. It was relaxed. We all could have our busy moments. Your calmness was how you got accepted into the family.”

Grandchild ‘playing’ with his grandmother during a Day in the Life in Texel, the Netherlands.
Tangible memories matter now and later!
Because I get involved with the family I shoot, I care about them having something tangible of their session. It’s important that you think about what you want to do with the photos after the session. Imagine you holding a beautiful album full of family moments that capture your real life, or having a photo series of your family’s day on the wall. Because real keepsakes are what you really want.

Saturday family walk to the market in Voorburg, the Netherlands
It is real life, captured – and printed!
In conclusion
[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][vc_single_image image=”2981″ img_size=”large” add_caption=”yes” alignment=”center” style=”vc_box_shadow_3d”][vc_column_text]My Opa said during one of our phone conversations just before his death:
“When you are together, the proximity, when seeing each other gives joy and pleasure, you don’t have to say anything. You feel the warmth.”
And this inspires me when I am documenting a Day in the Life of a family. And what I want to gift them through my photos! The feeling of togetherness, joy, love, pleasure, and warmth – even in the sad moments.
If you’ve been putting off booking a Day in the Life because you think it might be stressful or too long for your family, an intuitive photographer might be just right for you. At all times I always try to connect with your family, be myself and give my all. You can feel relieved and unburdened when you rely on a professional photographer who makes memories out of what matters.

Vacation Day in the Life in Texel, the Netherlands
To me, your documentary photographer, YOU matter.
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